Exceptional products deserve to have their story told. And with Vitag you can provide more information to shoppers than what is on the label.

With a tap of their phone, your customers can see an engaging presentation about your unique products right on their phone with no special software required.

Even better, you can leverage this experience to ask them to join your newsletter or shopping rewards program as they view your selection in the store.

Vitag is the perfect way to turn browsers into shoppers through a unique experience they can only find in your retail location.

  • Create product demonstrations
  • Promote your loyalty program
  • Offer daily deals or highlight in-store sales
  • Customer feedback

And one more thing…you can customize the design of your Vitag cards so they match the brand and experience of your store.

Employee Management Made Easy

How do you know if your employees are following all the processes you spent so much time teaching them? From opening and closing instructions to handling deliveries, there is a lot they need to know how to do, especially when you are not around.

  • Opening and Closing instructions
  • Refund process
  • Customer support process
  • Register instructions/help
  • Inventory ordering and management

With Vitag you can discretely place tags behind the counter and in the stock room so employees have one tap access to the proper way to get things done.

And in the app, you can quickly see who, when, and what they did so that you are confident they are doing the right thing at the right time, even when you are not available.